All persons are strongly advised to avoid visiting the Venue with any personal notice or sign of illness or symptom of COVID-19.

All guests entering the Venue and at all times when inside the Venue’s skate-change/bench area and ice surface IS REQUIRED TO WEAR A PROPER FACE MASK or nose/mouth cloth face covering.

To further define the 6-foot social distancing-points, graphic stickers or bright-yellow gaffers-type tape is applied to the ground or onto the rubber floor mats within the Venue.

It is recommended to have a SEPARATE ENTRY GATE and SEPARATE EXIT GATE onto the ice surface, to minimize cross-traffic of skaters. At the time of ice resurfacing, BOTH GATES should be used to exit all skaters, and for re-entry of all skaters.

Benches and/or chairs for skaters are arranged to allow for 6-feet of social distancing between individuals and their household units.

  • A gel/foam disinfectant will be located throughout the Venue.
  • All primary touchpoints will be regularly disinfected and wiped clean— ON-THE-HOUR, EVERY HOUR of the daily operation:
    • Service counters, POS screens, credit card processing equipment.
    • Handrails in the rink entrance and skate-change area.
    • Rink perimeter dasher board handrails.
  • UPON THE HANDOUT and UPON THE RETURN of each and every rental ice skate, spray disinfectant will be applied to each skate exterior and interior by a staff member—at the skate rental counter.
  • The standard capacity of the ice rink surface, during normal times of operation, is 1-skater per 25-square feet (1:25) to 1-skater per 32-square feet (1:32); these ranges of public capacity are typical fire-marshal recommendations.
  • During this COVID-19 pandemic period, the capacity of the ice rink surface WILL BE REDUCED as follows:
    • 1-skater per 50-square feet (1:50); this is a reduction in the capacity of the ice rink surface in the range of 36-50%, versus typical capacity limits set for ice rinks by various fire marshals. This capacity will allow for proper social distancing between individuals, couples, and families.
    • **Be advised that during the typical non-pandemic operating seasons, during most hours of operation, typical rinks NEVER reach this capacity.
  • For your information, 6-foot-diameter social distancing guideline is 1-person per 36-square feet (1:36). The skating capacity of 1-skater per 50-square feet (1:50) stated above is at least 38%-LESS than the CDC’s social distancing guideline, allowing for free-movement around the ice surface by skaters, with each individual, couple, or family-group to have a reasonable space to skate.
  • The skate-change/bench area of the ice rink should be limited to a capacity of 1-person per 36-square feet (1:36), the exact social distancing guideline of the CDC. This capacity and arranged benches or standing-areas will allow individuals or household units to sit or stand or at least 6-feet apart.